Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Moving time....
The Time Has Arrived......
Please wander over to my new blog, and welcome me into my new home!
You can find it here:
Notice how I'm making sure you'll go over there just to find out what the new name is???
heh heh heh.....
Anyways, I'd love it if you'd all change your bloglines or bookmarks or however the hell you keep tabs on me, and come on over for a drink.
There's just a welcome post up there at the mo', but the Quilt tutorial is done, and I'll post that tomorrow.
Thanks guys....
Friday, August 24, 2007
Swapping Makes The World Go 'Round...
You can join in yourself, if you want, over at Red Headed Snip it
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Thrifted Tuesday....
Feel free to join up and share your Thrifty Finds.....
You can find the group Here.
They Try to Make Me Go to Rehab, I Say No, No, No....
Again, on a Thursday......
Turns out, I've got a Partner In Crime.....
Evil Thrifters... taking over the world in second hand shoes and refashioned frocks....he he he
Anyways, onto the goods...
For the price of half a metre of quilting fabric from my local quilting shop - this whole pile of brilliant cottons:
I'm especially fond of the blue and white spot with the green cherries......oh and That Leopard Print - I'm a sucker for animal prints, I love their trashy, nouveau-riche socialite value....brilliant..
Second up is a simple polka-dot t-shirt for work, paired with some plastic/fantastic yellow beads:
I swear, I'm going through a Second TennagerHood...... I've been a Melbourne Influenced Black is the new Black wearer for years (augmented by my large stage as a Punk), and now suddenly, it's all about colour, and plastic stuff, and bright shoes, and skinny jeans.......lord, what's happening to me?????
Anyway, harkening back to my roots now, my little heart leapt when I saw this, for $1:
Think of the Ginger Fluff Sponge, people!
I learnt how to cook out of books like these - simple, economical food for country people, stodgy and weird - things like trifle and christmas cakes full of booze, pavlova and sponges, bread and butter pudding, the works.
Being vegetarian, the meat section is truly terrifying, but I love it nonetheless.....
And there you have it... the thrift haul o' the week.
In other news, I've been rearranging the kitchen, making way for my new purchase:
Which neccesitated a complete rearragement of the Teacup Collection:
Taking photos of which was just an excuse to share a snippet of the vintage crockery collection!
I've also branched out in the knitting stakes, and puchased a new pattern from Six and a Half Stitches, a gorgeous flap front babies' cardigan with fabric details - a true favourite amongst readers of Alison's Blog. I'm going out on a limb here, knitting with a pattern and all, so expect lots of call-outs for advice! Hopefully I'll manage to get a passable version knitted for the new addition to the family, via my sister, who is due sometime in October......
Phew! A big post after a little break!
The blog moving plans are still going ahead, and I'm expecting to move very soon, plus the quilt tutorial is on it's way, but I'm going to save it for the new location.......plenty of plans in the works...
Cheers m'dears - Leah xx
Oh, and the lyric in the title? Amy Winehouse. I cannot get her songs out of my head.....
Monday, August 20, 2007
Onwards and Upwards....
Just a quick post today to say thankyou to everyone who has been in touch about the Big Name Change......
Your support and encouragement means the world to me, thankyou.
I've come up with a new name, googled it a thousand times, and I've lived with it for a week, and decided it's The One.
Now I'm setting everything up in the background, so that when I switch over, it will run as seamlessly as possible.
Hopefully I'll be all sorted out in the next couple of days.
I can't even begin to express my gratitute that my regular readers, and some new, warmly welcomed ones have taken the time to let me know that I have your support, and that the coincedence of the similar names was nobody's fault, and just One of Those Things.
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou.
I'll keep you all posted!
Leah xx
Friday, August 17, 2007
On the Horror of the Collective Unconscious....
It is this tapping into the collective pool of ideas that enables people on other sides of the world to come up with the same idea, almost simultaneously. This is how fear spreads, or a sudden obsession for yellow, how the world comes around to certain ideas, that, in the way we have of deciding, have found their time.
When Charles Darwin came up with his theory of evolution, and published his first paper on it, a little known priest, Gregor Mendel, had already come to some of the same conclusions about natural selection by growing thousands of pea plants in his garden.
In the 70's, George Harrison admitted to "subconsciously plagiarising" the 60's girl group the Chiffons, after similarities between his hit My Sweet Lord, and their song, He's So Fine came to light. Harrison maintained that he hadn't plagiarised the song on purpose, but that the melody could have infiltrated his head whilst he was writing My Sweet Lord......
My point?
Well, I'm not sure, really. Except for the fact that I was found by another blogger, who I had no knowledge of previously, who started her blog in January this year, while I started mine in March.
Her blog name? cloth.paper.string.
My blog name? paper.string.cloth.
note please, that BOTH are spelt in lowercase letters with full stops between them.
The similarity ends with the names, we are, after all, completely different women, on different sides of the planet, but there you have it.
Collective Unconscious? Serendipity? Unconscious Plagiarism?
As the party with the latter starting date, and thus, all the onus, iut looks as though I am going to have to change my name.
The bugger of it is, that I originally wanted paper.SCISSORS.cloth, but I googled it and found out it was very close to the name of a quilting magazine. Seems this name wasn't to be either.
Anyway, dear readers, if you have any suggestions for the complete naming overhaul, please let me know.
And to Sarah, I am so sorry to have put you through the horror of thinking that someone out there was stealing your well thought out, snappy blog title for their own benefit. When you got in touch with me, my heart fell to the floor.
I believe in the Collective Unconscious, people, but I don't believe in stealing ideas.
Hope you're all having a gorgeous sunny day, any helpful commments at this point would be greatly appreciated.
Retail Therapy....

Yep. That's right. I bought a new washing machine. (actually, I interest-freed it, which isn't really the same thing, but whatthehell...)
It's an LG washer/dryer combo, which to me sounds rather terrifying, but they insist it works, so I'll have to trust the whitegoods gods on that.
After endless trips to the laundromat, and/or trying to tempt the old washing machine to take on more than a pair of socks without throwing a tantrum, I finally reneged, and just went and got a new one.
And, as I am defiantly still clinging onto my Twenties, I refuse to get too excited over the prospect of Properly Clean Clothes, steam and refresh cycles, and fluffy towels. Surely it is the absolute right of the 28 year old woman to bite her thumb at whitegoods and buy a handbag or some shoes or an ipod instead.
Alas, I have been saying for a long time that I am an eighty-something year old woman trapped in a twenty-something's body.
The truth always comes out in the wash, or so they say.
In other news, my Best Friend In The Whole World gets married on Saturday, and I'm not going to be there, so Katie, my love, have a fabulous day.
It's been raining, so no quilt tutorial yet.....but soon...!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Today, like many days in this household, began with eggs.
So weird to think that I used to be vegan, and the very thought of eggs was enough to make me gag....now I eat them by the bucketload. In fact, the reason I don't post too often over at Breakfast Sunday, is because I get shamed by all those gorgeous, healthy, meusli and yoghurt/ fresh fruit combinations!
Though once the weather gets warmer, I'll be eating less stodgy things to start the day.....
Speaking of the end of winter, even though I look forward to some sunshine like a woman possesed, I will miss having a real, concrete reason to knit. I wandered into the Spotlight winter yarn sale the other day, and came home with all of this, mostly at 2 or 3 dollars a ball:
Which I very quickly turned into a pair of these:
Which, in actual fact, I don't really need anymore. Brilliant. Bring on Spring, I say!
And just to bring this completely random post full of Nothing In Particular to a fitting end - Self Portrait Saturday.
Taken in the mirror in my kitchen.
I've been working on the tutorial for the quilt, by the way, but the photos I took turned out a bit shit due to lack of light, so I'm gonna have another go at it tommorrow...... promise!
Sleep well, my pretties.....xxx
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Absence makes the quilt grow faster....
I've been turning this:
and this:
into this:
Yep. That's right.... it's a Cathedral Window quilt, fiddly and scary, but surprisingly easy once you get started!
I've been meaning to tackle a White Project for a while now.... there are some truly beautiful, sparse and gorgeous quilt projects out there, and though this one isn't quite as avant-garde as I'd like, it's a good start. It's amazing how quickly it grows, and because it's a quilt as you go project, there's no scary batting or backing to deal with after you've finished the fun bits.
I made a block of these when I was at school, so I remembered the basic process, but I've made a few changes to the way I've been making this one, so I think I'll post a tutorial on how to make it next time I prepare a batch of squares. It's a completely satisfying project, even if you are a crappy handstitcher like me - take a step back, and the stitches don't matter a damn.....it the sheer brilliance of the design, the origami like folding of fabric, the stitched down "windows" that catch the eye.....
Anyway - I'm loving it..... tutorial to come soon, I promise! xxx
****UPDATED TO ADD: You can find the tutorial for this quilt on my new blog here:
Cathedral Window Quilt Tutorial....... Enjoy! xxx ****