Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Slow Week....

Well, it's safe to say that I have spent the last two days solidly reading the new Harry Potter, and holy shit, I'm still recovering! I know there's a few Potter fans out here in blogland, and we're all probably offline, reading and re-reading, but in between the pages, there have been a few bits and peices....

Here's the apron I made for my neice, who has taken to helping my sister clean the house, and of course, needs to look the part!

Girls' reversible apron - tomboy side

It's reversible, with a girly side, and a tomboy side!


and apparently she loves it, and I've seen some pretty cute photos of her wearing it....

There's also been a bit of leisurely breakfast eating...

Breakfast Sunday

And some experimenting with some new styles for my stuffed toys, none of which are worth showing below the neck.....

flying nong

So tonight is going to be all about making patterns, and trying again. :sigh:


shula said...

Hang on...

You're calling this a SLOW WEEK?!

The young. Honestly.

laura capello said...

yeah. i'm afraid i'm gonna have to agree with shula on that one. ;-)

Gigibird said...

Have you finished HP yet?
I have some thoughts about the book but I shall wait until you have finished…
Love your little stuffed ‘thingy’ – looks like she has sunglasses on.
Your food always looks healthy.

Jodie said...

Wow, I love the apron! Great bold colours, perfect for kids (both young and old).
I think you're being way to harsh on yourself... Your stuffed toy is cute.
Good luck with the patern making can't wait to see what you come up with.
Keep up the Great work!!!
